Shun Mook Record Weight

Is Shun Mook still around? Where can i find one of these weights??
Always wanted to try a Shun Mook record weight but never did. I've tried over a dozen and the best so my ears has been the Harmonic TU-812. They now have a MK-II but have not heard it. Others I've listened to but have not liked are those from TTWeights (have tried several of them none to my liking), Sota Reflex Clamp. There was this European hard wood weight that did a nice job, don't remember the name but it made the music sweeter sounding but lacked bass control.
Anyone hear the newest Harmonic? Would be interested in hearing how that differs from original.
(dealer disclaimer)
FrankC. I m from Malaysia & have various type of clamp including Kuzma clamp. Do u have any link to the Malaysia ebony wood clamp ? Never heard of it & would like to try it if possible
Agree with Sksos1 on the TTWeights.

Too expensive, poor build quality, and lousy performance.
Audiofeil, I never said the TTWeights has poor build quality, just lousy sound! (and yes too expensive IMHO)
Skos1 wrote:

"I never said the TTWeights has poor build quality, just lousy sound! (and yes too expensive IMHO)"

But $1350 for the Harmonic TU-812 Mk II is reasonably priced?