Shun Mook Record Weight

Is Shun Mook still around? Where can i find one of these weights??
I like the price of the HRS Analog Disc. It sounds like it holds it's own against the others at a much lower price. It seems to be available on line from a retailer in Canada for $208. Seems like a good alternative to a TT Weights product at a similar price. $2800 for a Shun Mook I just can't justify. The Harmonix TU-812 mkII is available at needle doctor but is around $1300. The HRS seems like a safe bet all things considered.
I ordered the HRS Analog Disk from the Cable Company ( November and it was directly shipped from HRS to me. I received it in about two weeks - pretty fast!
The only weight I have tried is the Shun Mook, but the small, not the large weight. As I am sure you know, the company made 2 weights. I think it does work, not night and day, but I definitely prefer it. Is the benefit worth the full retail price? Not to me, but I bought mine second hand on E bay
Just got my Shun Mook weight it is truly a revolutionary  change in the sound.The changes in timber,sound stage and depth are truly amazing worth every cent.Wow!!