Ray Samuels F117 Nighthawk vs. PS Audio GCPH

I had my mind set to purchase the PS Audio GCPH as my first phono to get back into analog. I have a Technics D202 TT, Mccormack DNA-1 amp and Herron VTSP 1A line stage.

The 6mooons review on the nighthawk is stellar and seems to have the same versitality as the GCPH. I am a little hesistant because the nighthawk is battery powered. Ray makes a XR2 electric powerd unit which is slightly higher than budget (1k)..

Are there others to consider in this price point? Sutherland ph3????????
In that price range, I prefer the Monolithic sound PS2 and separate power supply HC1b. I liked the sound way better than the GCPH. I've only heard a F177 briefly but I preferred the PS2 in my system.
If you do go with the PS Audio; install a HI-FI Tuning Supreme fuse and use a Zu Audio Mother(or other heavy gauge/high quality) cord. You'll be very pleasantly surprised at the transformation. The units already contain fast recovery rectifiers,and the stock pieces(cord and fuse) seem to restrict them, quite a bit.
Jasmine looks very good to me; a friend is buying one to go with the Pass Labs he already has so he can run both tables he has at once. See ebay for description; made in China but has very good reviews and looks great.
I have the GCPH and really like the sound. The remote is very useful as my preamp (Bryston BP 20) does not have a remote. Have heard good things about the Nighthawk and wouldn't hesitate there either. I borrowed a GCPH from a friend and tried it in my system before buying. Got a good deal at Underwood after deciding on the GCPH.
Rodman99999 how do I get to the fuse in the GCPH? This never occured to me.