Cartridge around $2K help.

Looking for cartridge to use while my Dyna XV-1s heads off for a rebuild. Would like something around $2000.00, that I can use while its gone. I will only buy new. Would like something a little different than the Dyna, it will be used with a Michell Gyro SE MKII with SME V arm, and BAT VK-P10 phonostage.
MC/MM/MI low or high output.
A few I am thinking of are
Music Maker Classic
Grado Statement Reference1
Soundsmith "the voice"
Lyra Kleos
Any thoughts or sonic opinions?
I would suggest that you give some serious consideration to the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze. It currently lists for $1999 US, and I have found it to be an outstanding performer that is competitive even against some much more expensive choices.

A reviewer from Hi-Fi World in the UK evaluated the Ortofon A90 as well as the Cadenza Black and Bronze. His conclusion was that if he had to pick one "desert island" cartridge to live with he would select the Candenza Bronze over the other two more expensive models. While he admitted that the Black and A90 were slightly more revealing than the Bronze, it was the Bronze that won out due to its inherent musicality that excels at communicating the essence of the music. I couldn't agree more, and I don't often agree with reviews.

When properly setup this cartridge also tracks exceptionally well, exhibiting no sign of breakup on difficult selections or when tracking heavily modulated inner grooves. I initially thought that I had to spend about $4,000 on a cartridge to get this level of performance, but after hearing the Cadenza Bronze my cartridge search has happily ended!
My vote would be for the Voice. I similarly wanted a less pricey cartridge to use in lieu of my ZYX Universe and Koetsu Jade, so I picked up a Voice. To my surprise ZYX and Koetsu ended up being relegated to the the drawer. The Voice is my new Reference!
It came down to the Lyra Delos and "the Voice'. Got the new Lyra and saved a few hundred bucks. In the end I wanted to keep it under 1500.00, and i have 30 days to try it when it gets here.