Integrateds-Krell or Plinius?

What would be the best match for B&WCDM9T speakers? I'm leaning towards the Plinius 8200 or Krell's 300IL.
Krell brand is #1 sponsor of Stereofile and whatever model they will make it will receive a positive review there.
Plinius 8200 I think, does not need any "Stereofile favors" it's just an excellent amp and I'm sure it can drive any speakers including your B&W.
I have heard the Krell 300i with B&W N805s. I do like the dryness of B&Ws, but the Krell I think, is too lean sounding to compliment them. Its a sound that'll scrape your paint and make your teeth whiter. Maybe an audition would work for you. A lot of dealers that carry Krell also carrry B&W. I have never heard Plinius, but a search on audioasylum is sure to conjure additional opinions. Have fun with those speakers, I do likes them CDMs.
I've sold the Krell integrated's for some time, and can say that, well, they're decent enough. But I guess I would have to favor the Plinius over them! However, another choice to consider with the CDM9nt's that I've heard, is the Classe 150wattintegrated! This also makes a nice choice for the money with those speakers! Have fun
If you get an opportunity, audition the McIntosh MA6500 as well. I have read a few very positive user reviews on it and I have heard it in store, it sounded very nice, and that with a $500 CD player and some good Kef's. (Not to mention it is very sharp looking IMO!)