Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
Marakanetz, You wrote, "Balanced isn't only 3-pin. It could also be 5-pin stereo-balanced. If the phonostage is fully balanced(recall Violectrik), you can rewire tonearm for 5-pin stereo-balanced transmission." Actually, you would not have to do anything to the tonearm; just bundle the wires for both channels and connect them to one 5-pin connector.

There would be no electrical difference, of course, between using separate 3-pin XLRs, one for each channel, to carry balanced signals, and some sort of 5-pin connector for wires carrying the signals from both channels in one bundle, but I have never seen this done. Have you? Where did you get that idea? And what's a Violectrik? There are many examples of modern true balanced phono stages, but you've stumped me on Violectrik, and I am too lazy to google it. I like the name, though.
Looking at the rear-view picture of this phonostage you clearly see 5-pin balanced input slot.
There are not too many fully balanced phonostages made nowdays, but this one is among them.
Orpheus10 - "classical music has no soul." In the words of John McEnroe - "YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!!" That just might be the most absurd thing I have ever read on these forums. Not to mention the irony of someone calling themselves Orpheus being the author of that statement....
He calls himself Orpheus10 and we have no idea what it means. As for "classical music has no soul", this statement does require elaboration. I myself don't like classical music either, with some very rare exceptions, though I can appreciate the musicianship of classical performers. But then again I don't like "classical jazz" either.
just returning from vacation in the so called paradise which turns out to be a paradise as long as you have not been there :-) - looks like the TAS writes and others followed the same approach just ignoring what could be better.
Everyone may live in his own prefered world maybe surrounded by boosted LP 12 updates. I went a different way and I do not feel it was completely wrong...

best & fun only