Depends on the Carrier. There are standardized polices but there are also standard endorsements which can alter that policy. I have had USAA for 20 years and it is excellent. Before I owned, I rented and when I rented I had two break-ins and USAA replaced $20K and $18K in audio gear respectively, without hesitation (full replacement value).
Now I own and I asked USAA what I need to have a separate rider for, I was told jewelry, so i got a rider for my watches and my wife's rings. I then upped the "contents" coverage to 75% of the home's reconstruction costs. Which, if I have a total loss would replace all my "contents" gear included.
As long as your policy does not have a specific limit on "electronics", it will be covered as a "content". If your policy does have a limit on electronics, pay for a rider if you need additional coverage.
Or go bare and hope for the best....