Kate Bush

I hesitated between posting this question in the Music forum rather than Analog, but since the question regards the quality of the vinyl pressing and sound rather than the quality of the music, I decided the question was more fitting in the Analog forum.

I own all of Kate's records with the exception of "Aerial," and all of her albums are exceptionally good sounding, even the recent reissues of "The Hounds of Love" and "The Sensual World." Her last release before "50 Words for Snow" was "Director's Cut," which she released under her own label Fish People. The quality is beyond reproach. I just purchased "50 Words for Snow" and cleaned it with the AIVS 3-step formulas before first play. I had to stop a few minutes into the first song as the sounds was being marred by the loud crackling noise every several seconds. Same with the second song. It pretty much continued throughout the entire two-record album. The album was mastered by Doug Sax and James Guthrie and the CD sounds spectacular so I know it's not the recording but the quality of the pressing. Does anyone who owns this release share my experience? As much as I'd want it to be the case, I find it hard to believe I just happened to buy a bad isolated pressing. I'm so bummed as the music is heavenly.
Actus...you are not alone by any means my friend... :0)
Your post puts the case far better than I ever could.
Reason I posted was that I listened to the entire album yesterday afternoon and was reminded of your interest. Aerial has been one of my top3 Desert Island Discs since its release and it just keeps getting better. Despite being an analog diehard I can say that all the emotion is available even from the CD and the digital production is so good that I don't feel cheated. Listening to it on a pair of electrostats every nuance of the voice is conveyed.

You read my mind on Sunset.
Every time I hear it, its sheer urgency makes you feel like climbing the aerial yourself to catch that last glimpse of sunset fire....
Best Regards...
Something you may be interested in Actus : getting back to the technical details for a moment I must say that Kate's vinyl productions are among the most lavish, no expense spared examples I've seen. This is one artist who really takes Analogue seriously.
I'd pre-ordered the "Director's Cut" and "50 Words.." last year abd was blown away by the production values on the D/Cut. The attention to detail was almost unprecented.... anti-static poly lined paper sleeves, properly de-burred immaculately clean and properly finished records, a generously sized book of notes...
Sumptuous and perfect-looking is the only way to describe it.
There were criticisms about the analogue sound on DC by some...
Here is Kate's take (on Analogue) and the logic behind the D/Cut in a rare BBC Radio4 interview :

I was referring to her earlier work. I have a copy of Ariel and although it is a fantastic album, my vinyl is terrible. I listen to the CD which is pretty good
Dear Moonglum: I never heard the Aeriel one but the three LPs reissius I own are just great by the in deep content of Kate composition and the music it self.

It is almost impossible hear those recordings and not been moved with.

I will buy that Aeriel CD because what you and other posted here and because I already been " touched " by Kate.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Raul...many thanks for your confidence in our critiques.
That you already know Kate from the past is a sure guarantee of success, but I really hope you like it.

Prior to Aerial, Kate disappeared "off the radar" for 12 yrs. When Aerial's release was announced there was a stampede(!) to pre-order.

Best regards...