SME speed adjustment

I have been reading with much interest the thread about speed accuracy and the Timeline device.

I have an SME Model 10 turntable which has no speed adjustment on the motor controller. I use the KAB strobe and my table is fine, but I fear that if I have the chance to check it with the Timeline, and the speed is off, I will not be able to adjust it, so the exercise would be futile anyway. Currently, when the speed changes over time, I replace the belt, as SME suggests and this usually works.

Could someone suggest a method to adjust the speed on a motor controller that does not have such an option? Is there an aftermarket device that can be used to alter the voltage to the motor controller or some other method?

Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Hi Tony,
I'm not into the maths :-)
I'm simply quoting the read-outs on the digital display of the TT-101 as I change the pitch in 6Hz increments.
Perhaps someone can help with the correct calculations?
Perfect timing. I actually just made a calculator in Excel for the Sutherland Timeline. You enter the distance to the wall and the laser deviation per revolution and it gives you the circumference of the virtual circle that the laser travels, the speed error of your platter in percent, the RPM your platter is off by, and the actual RPM of your platter. It can also tell you how many Hz a given frequency is off by.

Let me know if you would like to try it out!
Ketchup ~ can you send me the spreadsheet you designed?
Thank you, very much appreciated in advance.
Sksos1 and anyone else who wants the calculator,

Please send me an email through Audiogon and I'll attach the calculator to my response.