Nagra VPS or Tron Seven Ref phono stages?

My cartridge is a Clearaudio Accurate; best settings 400 ohms loading 50-60dB gain

Comparison of the two please from anyone who has experience of both

Thanks in advance
Both are nothing special. The Nagra VPS is one of the worst I ever listened to. Remove the cover and look inside, there is nearly nothing in it. And the pricing for the additional 2. phono input is real High End :-)
The Tron is the better choice of the two. No real soundstage but loud...
I have a Nagra VPS, also several reviews you can check out for what that is worth (Tone Audio, Stereophile etc)

Syntax has likely heard more phono stages than me, so maybe he has a point...

The Nagra VPS is my system is pretty nice...wonderful soundstage, coherent, seems to do most everything right. It replaced a BAT VKP10 SE a few years ago...

The Nagra really needs the VFS base and a good power cord. I am in the process of moving to battery power (using a red wine audio black lightning) which lowers the noise floor.

Several others here have the Tron, I've been curious on this one also as I do have a lower output cartridge.

Syntax...curious what phono stages you do like..especially with a .2mv cart in my case...tubes preferred.....