What's a 30-year old Grace F9-E Ruby worth?

Since vinyl has caught on again, I brought out my turntable from the 90's and played a few vinyls. I was surprised to see that the cartridge still plays fine. To make a long story short, I not into vinyl as I once was. My interest has shifted to 24-bit music, limited as it is.

Any idea what this cartridge is worth given its age.
Sold! Reelnai I will let u know where u can send my sales commission check when they restore emails. LOL. Sounds like u have a really nice cartridge there. Cheers
I don't get it. Is the OP selling his Grace Ruby or trying to establish its value for posterity, or what? If it's in good shape, $250 is a steal, and I would buy it if I had not just paid twice as much for one.
I was contemplating selling it if I could get a good price. Since I don't know the state of the stylus, I would feel bad if it didn't last long. It is 30 years old after all.
Try mounting it (if it's not already mounted( and playing a record. I know it's a very esoteric notion, but you could try it. I intend to do that with mine, today or tomorrow.