Retip Transfiguration Orpheus

Hi guys,

what would you think is the best way to re tip einTransfiguration Orpheus? Original is a Ogura PA (about 3x30) were used. I plan to have possible close to the original. Has anyone done this time? Smith Sound, Expert Stylus, other possibilities?
At Transfiguration Retipping one for an Orpheus is no longer possible!

Greetings ... Gerhard
I was quite surprise to read:
At Transfiguration Retipping one for an Orpheus is no longer possible!
Could you please provide some details?

This is the statement by the German distributor of Transfiguration, and a trader in Singapore. The Orpheus is no longer manufactured the last 6 months. There are (allegedly) get no more spare parts at Transfiguration.
An exchange for a new I would not do. I want
only a new diamond of the original Ogura is as close as possible. Expert Stylus and Soundsmith does not answer, either.

Greetings ... Gerhard
Gerhard, I think you may have received 'incorrect' information from your 'distributor' (I am being polite ;~)
If you will click on the link below, you will see that Elusive Disk (and many other retailers) provide re-tipping directly from the factory (a re-tip through Elusive Disk costs $2600)