My wife and I have been together for 29 years (married for 19 years)ÂDINKS. Since day one, she knew how important music was to me. We both enjoy doing many activities together: backpacking, telemark skiing, whitewater canoeing, mountain biking, hiking, scuba diving, and exotic travel. We also have very separate interest in our professional lives. She's a samll animal veterinarian and I direct a few statewide projects in public health. Both professions provide us with a great deal of social interactions when we're not together. Most importantly, we try not to control each other. I know when she has made up her mind that something is important to her, I get out of the way, if I can't contribute. She does the same for me. The only time my music gets to her (WAF) is when she's had hectic day and comes home to "loud" music. Fortunately, we each have enough time at home alone to enjoy our individual interests. She works every other weekend at a live-in emergency vet clinic in San Francisco. So I get to crank-up the sounds. Financially, we have a budget that I never touch for my audio desires. I use money from consulting and travel reimbursements for my audio "slush" fund.
how many have a WAF?
Well seeing as I am a younger member here and many years a way from marriage-if ever. How many of you are married out there? How many of us are single? I ask this simply because I am now single again(as of 15 minutes ago). And those who are married is it happy? any regrets? Everyone here has given me so much advice on everything in life, I figure its time to move onto a more important matter :) "when all of the dark clouds roll away, and the sun begins to shine. i see my freedom from across the way, and it comes right in on time" -Van Morisson
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- 28 posts total
- 28 posts total