Frogman, If you re-read my statement, note that in all cases I used the qualifier "as a class". This is to warn the reader that I mean "in general", i.e., I did not mean for what I wrote to be taken as a hard and fast rule. In other words, I was saying, as you said, be careful about generalizations. Of course, I have not heard every HOMC ever made or every LOMC either. So it is entirely possible that a single given HOMC (apparently the Clearaudio is one, in your opinion) could be competitive with the other best cartridges in the world of any and all types. But I spent about 15 years playing with several so-called "good" HOMC cartridges (Sumiko, Benz and Transfig brands) in my system, and in my system, in my opinion, they suck compared to a few very good LOMC cartridges and a few very good MM and MI cartridges that came later. OK? To be more specific, they lacked "sparkle", life, any sense of verisimilitude.
Marakanetz, In your very last post, you say exactly what I say. So I am guessing that you just accidentally misspoke in your first and second posts regarding susceptibility to EMI. Cool.
Marakanetz, In your very last post, you say exactly what I say. So I am guessing that you just accidentally misspoke in your first and second posts regarding susceptibility to EMI. Cool.