Is there a problem with my Lyra Delos cartridge?

Last March I upgraded from a Grado Platinum to a Lyra Delos cartridge which was installed by Analogique in Manhattan.My turntable is a VPI HW-19 MK-3 with an Audioquest PT-6 tonearm.After about 120 hours of use I have been getting distortion on certain lps.For example:Last night I wanted to hear Moment's Notice from Coltrane's Blue Train lp(180 gram).This is the second track on side one.So I drop the needle on track two and sound starts distorting at about the 7 minute mark(track is 9:09 minutes),I lift up the needle then lower it onto the lp again and it plays fine.This is not happening on every lp but it is happening quite often.I am tracking at 1.8 which is the Lyra recommendation.I switched phonostages but that does not seem to be the problem.I also put on a new belt but problem persists. Help!!!
Hi Jonathan,

I am having the exact problem you described above with the stretched suspension. The Kleos is riding closer and closer to the record and is now only floating a few millimetres above the vinyl. It has been mounted on a Moersch arm and gently lowered everytime. Please advise how I can get this cart fixed or replaced? The cart was purchased in September, 2010 sn# KL241F.
Hi Jake: If you are in the US, I recommend that you or your dealer call or email Audioquest - probably Alasdair Patrick.

Alternately, if you send me an email through the Audiogon system, I will be happy to facilitate the contact with Alasdair.

kind regards, jonathan
Jonathan, I'd like to send you an email, but I don't see an email or even PM option.

The only Audioquest I see is speaker cables and HDMI, I don't see anything about cartridges on their site.
"I am having the exact problem you described above with the stretched suspension. The Kleos is riding closer and closer to the record and is now only floating a few millimetres above the vinyl. It has been mounted on a Moersch arm and gently lowered everytime."

Jakeman...did you actually mean a FEW millimetres???
Several MM sounds like too much clearance not too little?
BTW...I've found the Delos is quite immune to effects of fluff build-up on the stylus but lifting off could well solve the OP's problem if this is the case?
Some LPs are natural "chargers" and will seem to almost manufacture lint out of thin air while others remain pristine after play.
One example is the HFN/RR Test Disc which ironically is one of the worst "chargers" I've ever seen - perhaps due to increased friction from test signals.
Jake, Jr_w, and anyone else: You can contact the Audioquest personnel in charge of distributing Lyra in the USA from here:

And if you go to:

and click on the "Distributors" link, you can send us an email. My email addy is c-o-n-n-l-y-r-a-AT-g-o-l-dot-c-o-m (delete the hyphens and replace AT and dot with the symbols)

I agree with Moonglum that a few millimeters is too much rather than too little, but let's not quibble (smile). First, however, I request that you measure the tracking force at the same exact level of the LP's playing surface. Sometimes the counterweights of a tonearm will gradually (or suddenly) slip, causing the VTF to increase. Also, the geometry of the Moerch tonearm will cause the tracking force to change, depending on how high the cartridge is in relation to the tonearm bearing, so the tracking force must be measured at the LP surface, and if the cartridge VTA is changed, you should re-measure the VTF.

If the VTF at the LP's playing surface measures 1.75 grams maximum and the Kleos rides too close to the LP, send either myself or Audioquest an email and we will try to get you sorted. It is probably just as well that you contact Audioquest rather than me, since they are close to you in the US while I am far off in Japan, and it will probably be Audioquest who sends us the Kleos across the Pacific, in case it needs to be readjusted.

But if there is any misunderstanding or problem in the initial communications, I will be happy to step in and help in any way that I can.

kind regards, jonathan