What makes a tuntable sounds warmer?

Dear all,
I replaced my 8 years old nottingham horizon with a new tuntable which priced a bit more than double.
All components remain the same incl. tonearm and cartridge (ortofon as212 and delos which both clocked about 150 hours). But after about 50 hours of playing, it sounds much warmer and lose details almost sounds like there is a towel on my speakers. I have experimented all settings on my turntable set but still resulting the same.

I Also check the speed but it's good at 33.3 and 45 rpm.

I think the horizon sounds better :(

What makes a turntable sounds warmer? It has dc power supply, is it due to power supply? How to make it sounds less warm?

Thanks a lot in advance for any advice
Scotch. But seriously maybe play with different footers. If you specify what TT you have maybe you can get specific recommendations.
Replacing a source component can be tricky. Remember that you tweak your system to get it sounding right with one source and then when you change the source, you might have to re-evaluate. You might have to move the speakers out or raise them up a bit. Room treatments. Stuff like that. BTW, this is pretty much a first - usually people are complaining that their stuff is harsh.
I would not describe VTA and cartridge loading as making a turntable sound warm, but others might. These adjustments will certainly effect the way your analog front end sounds. What exactly do you mean? Tonal balance, transients, sluggish bass?