How to check for stylus wear?

I own a Sound Smith VPI Zephyr. I'm sure there's more than 1000 hours on it, and possibly even 2000 hours. How can I check the stylus for wear?? If, for discussion purposes, the stylus is worn, should I send it back to Peter Ledermann for re-tip? Any idea how much it costs and more importantly -- how long it takes to do?
Wow you must listen to alot of music. How long has the Zephyr been out?

You need a microscope with around 500x magnification and know what to look for. Are you experiencing sound degradation?

I think a SS retip is from $150 to $350 depending on which cantilever/tip you want. From what I read it can take some time to get a cart retipped as Peter is usually very busy.
Dopogue -- agree 100%. Sarcher, I do listen to a lot of music. Unfortunately, I lost track of hours. To my ears, the Zephyr sounds ok. Problem is that a slow degredation is hard to detect. Fortunately, I have a DV 20Xs back up carty. If I send the Zephyr out, I won't be out of commission. But IMHO, the Xephyr sounds better than the DV.