Wanting to get into Vinyl - Need help

I'm a complete neophyte when it comes to turntables and vinyl. Recently I've gotten the itch to take the plunge, but I'm a bit out of my element so I'm looking for suggestions.

My system is Rotel electronics and Vandersteen 2 ce sigs. Nothing grandiose, but I like the sound and it fits my budget. I currently have a Denon DP300F with a Ortofon RED cartridge upgrade on order. The TT won't be in until April so of course this has given me time to look around and read more reviews. Now I'm having second thoughts, and I'm debating changing/canceling my order.

The phono preamp I've decided on is the Musical Fidelity V-LPS MKII. I've also kicked around the NAD PP3i, but the the reviews don't seem as favorable. Any others I should be looking at?

Now for the TT options. The "short list" in my price range seem to be the Rega RP1, Music Hall MMF2.2, Pro-ject Debut III. These three seem pretty indistinguishable from eachother. I guess the Denon DP300F could fit into this catagory as well. I've also seen suggestions for looking at used "vintage" TT's but honestly I wouldn't know what I'm looking for. I don't want something twitchy that I have to lube or whatever people do :) I would consider a more modern used TT if the price is right.

I'm not planning on being a tweaker here. I just want to play music. Can someone help me whittle this pack of TT's down to a choice?

I had a KAB-EV1 and it worked very well but I eventually wanted something a little easier to use and got a VPI 16.5, feel like that was a great upgrade. Now thinking about a loricraft. It never ends.
Wanted to clarify my prior message. Don't want to discourage you from getting into vinyl. I jumped back into vinyl after a long hiatus about 3 years ago and absolutely love it. Just making the point that analog can be a money pit and the "upgrade" potential is almost limitless. I originally bought a Rega P3-24 with clear audio aurum and an EAR 384P and thought I was done. I've since upgraded my main set up two additional times trying to reach the holy grail. Of course, it did not stop there. I have also become interested in older idler drives and have commissioned a refurbed Garrard 301. As the saying goes, be carefuful what you wish for!

Do you really think the endless upgrade potential and/or urge is limited to vinyl playback? How many people have gone through amp upgrades? Speaker upgrades? CDP/DAC upgrades? It never ends for a lot of people.

Not being condescending at all here; hopefully it's not taken that way.
I've been looking at whats available here on Audiogon. There is a listing for a Denon DP1100 turntable w/sumiko mmt and custom plinth at $500. He'll include a Denon DL160 Cart as well.

Any thoughts or better suggestions for something between $400 - $600?

Never said the upgrade bug was limited to analog. What I think is different with analog is:

1) Analog consists of multiple pieces- table,tonearm, cartridge and phono stage. Upgrading an entry level analog system to top tier generally becomes more complex because of the interactions between all these components as well as the added cost of having to upgrade multiple items instead of just one.

2) In my experience, the gap between entry level and top tier in analog is wider and more expensive than it is in digital. For $1000 you can get a very nice DAC that may not be the very best but will probably get you 85% to 90% there. The sonic difference between a $1000 analog system and top tier is much more pronounced.

I personally believe nothing beats analog sound. However, trying to get the best analog sound can be hard on your wallet. More so in my experience than with any other component.