How many LP's do you own? How long did it take?

I started to collect vinyl in the late 80's, after it was demonstrated to me (to my ears) that vinyl sounded better than cds. I was fortunate at the time that people were dumping their vinyl collections. I was able to buy great LP's in mint condiiton for .10 cents each or so at garage sales...My have things hve changed. The vast majority of LPs I buy now are new and cost between $14 to $50 bucks each. Used LP'P's can go for more if its rare. So, how many LP's do you own and how long did it take you to amass your collection? I currently have about 2000 LPs.
I have 6000+ LP's, accumulated over 2 years.
Average cost is less than 9 cents each.
I have stopped collecting for now.

Over eight records a day essentially for free. And how did your Majesty accomplish that? Please do tell.
Acquired my first lp in 1952, last count indicated 12,000 are present. Of course they are kept company by the 3000 cassettes, 4000 R2R, 1000 eight tracks and 6000 cd's. Will the madness ever stop?
Started back in the late '60s with "The Monkeess" (RIP Davy Jones) and have been at it ever since, including still having the ones I bought back then, including an April 1973 Harvest DSOTM. Total is around 4K-4500

I'm fortunate in that even before becoming aware of 'Audiophilia', and was playing records on an old BIC TT, I ALWAYS handled my records by the edges, seemed logical. Now I find a lot of my records that are 30-40 yrs old still sound very clean! Of course, running them thru the old Record Doctor helps!