I'm just kind of baffled how people can find something slow & anemic, since these two words derive from opposite directions in my experiences. Things that some refer to as slow in a negative manner, another would refer to as warm or musical in a positive manner. Things that one would refer to as anemic in a negative manner, another would refer to as transparent or neutral in a positive manner.
How one could use two negative words to describe the two polar opposites of sound is quite baffling.
The key to most systems is synergy, trying to find the right balance for a certain listener between warmth and musicality camp and the detail and transparency camps. That is why certain things sound better in certain systems. Try using a warm(slow) cartridge in a system with warm amplification and speakers and you will fall asleep. Try to run a transparent (anemic) cartridge in a system with transparent amps and speakers and you will be grinding your teeth.
That being said, from what I've heard, the Dynavector XV-1s is on the transparent/neutral/anemic side of the fence, therefore, it cannot also be "slow'. Slow may better describe a cartridge on the warmer side of the fence such as a Koetsu, Benz, Transfiguration, etc. ZYX and Lyra would be on the anemic side of the fence with the Dynavector, IMHO. I actually think that Lyra is the fastest most transparent cartridges that I've heard, and yes, some would call them anemic, but not slow.
That's my $0.02. I just can't understand how something can sound fast and slow at the same time, but whatever.