I had a linn K 9 cartridge in my linn basik arm but could not buy a new stylus for it. I think it has a very smooth response at at all frequencies and a very good bass, I recently bought a k9 on audiogon. Does anyone have an opinion about them after hearing one? Also are the very high priced cartridges really worth the money? i will never get a chance to hear one in the city where i live. If they are better in what ways are they better? I really like my van den hul mc 10. It is with and audio research ph 3 and rega 24 turntable.
**Price point should tell you something about the relative quality of that product.**

Not really. AT uses that body to custom manufacture carts as an OEM. It's the same body used for the Clearaudio Maestro. How's that for a price point? I'm not familiar enough with the Linn K series to comment, but I know there are admirers. The ready made styli available as replacements are limited to bonded diamonds/straight alum cantilevers made by AT or Jelco. You can get these with LC (vivid line) or shibata tips. These replacements work pretty good. For top performance have a stylus custom fitted by someone like Soundsmith. A .3 x .7 elliptical with tapered alum cantilever is $150. People rave about this on the Virtuoso.
These Linn K-9 Systems were made from Audio Technica. they are no longer in Production, probably you should replace it with a Audio Technica AT 440 MLa, that is a better one. The K-9 was a Starter System for cheapest analog rigs. All I can remember after 20 years, I replaced it pretty fast with K-18.