How do you tame a Denon DL-S1?

I recently got a Denon DL-S1. It has a very low output. I have a Minimax phono preamp and a Dodd. I have been rolling tubes and trying various things to see what works best with the Denon. When I use the stock JJ 6922 tubes in my Dodd and run the Denon directly into the 47k input, the detail and texture of the voice is unbelievable. I didn’t know there was that much information in the grooves. The problem is that I have to run the gain of my preamp up so high and the overall tone is not quite as good as with 60’s Amperexs or the Sovtek 6922s. With the other two I lose a lot of the detail and texture. My question is; would a SUT give me more gain and still keep the detail and texture? Would the SUT improve the overall tone? Would a blue Cinemag be a good choice?

I suspect that it might be a similar problem to other high information mc cartridges

I don't know diddly about analog but... The output of this cartridge is .015mV which is about as low as they get isn't it. I have seen other systems which use a SUT with such low output. I guess you will get some more difinitive answers shortly.
The Denon specs that I have seen show 0.15mv. This is very low but not that far out. The Denon 103r has .25 and my old AT OC9II was .4mv. It actually works in my Dodd phono preamp which only as 50db of gain. I do have to krank up my Calyspo preamp higher than I would like.

Dear Rsimms: The DLS1 is very good performer but to shows at its best it needs and active high gain phonolinepreamp. Tube electronics usually has not enough gain with low noise and SUT's ( including the Denon one. ) along additional ICs only degrade the cartridge signal, it can't improve it.

IMHO with your electronics you choosed the wrong cartridge. Every electronics technology has its own limits and the DLS1 is out of the tube technology limits to achieve the best that cartridge can shows you.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I use the Denon DLS-1 with a Ypsilon MC25 going to a Audio Exklusive P2 phono (solid state) and ground the motor controller, tonearm, phono to the Troy. All natural detail with no compromises.