Oracle Alexandria + Premier MMT = ?????

I have a dead Oracle Alexandria with a Premier MMT tonearm. I have figured out that the problem isn't the external power supply which, while shattered, still puts out the appropriate voltage. So, it's likely either the switch or the motor. I recall having problems with that switch in the past, so hopefully, that's the issue.

At any rate, it needs a new power supply, which is $85 + shipping. Having a tech assess whether the switch or the motor is broken will cost (at least) $75. Then, I'll need to replace what's broken, which could presumably cost $100-$300. In other words, I'm looking at probably $300-$500 to get this turntable working again, at which won't be even close to "mint". (Scratched dustcover, mostly.)

So, I'm wondering if I should just sell it for parts and grab something in the sub-$1,000 range? Are any of the usual suspects (Rega RP3, Music Hall MMF-5.1SE, Pro-ject Xpression, SOTA Moonbeam, Thorens, etc.) up to the quality of the Alexandria with the MMT tonearm? Should I just get this thing fixed?

Any thoughts on the overall quality of this system would be greatly appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xja2austintx
I would fix it up. You will have a better turntable than the ones you mentioned in your post.
Thanks. I can probably rescue the dust cover to my liking with some acrylic polish. I never expected this setup to meet SOTA Sapphire standards, but I have no idea how it might stack up to the other TTs I mentioned.

By the way, that's not my Alexandria for sale. I don't want to buy it, since I don't yet know the repair costs on mine. I suspect I could do better for $700, regardless.

Thanks again . . .
I would put up an Alexandria against a Sota Sapphire of the same vintage anyday, and I have owned both. The older, metal control cover units had some issues with speed control and sagging suspension. Against the newer wood top units it would still be close, but I could see the Sapphire edging the Alex out.
When you talk about "new wood top units" are you saying there were versions with a completely wooden plinth? Mine is almost all aluminum (?) with wood trim.