Phonostage: Naim Superline vs 47 Labs phonocube

Choosing between these two phonostages. I already use Naim CDP and amp in my system so I am familiar with their sound. 47 labs is unknown to me but their philosophy attracts me.

I am looking for a phonostage which is lively and open with good PRAT. I have heard good things about both these phonostages but the negatives I have heard are:

1. The Naim Superline lacks air

2. 47 Labs phonocube works well within their system concept, but unpredictable outside. Their phonostage doesnt have any impedance matching features so they may work very well with Miyabi 47 cartridge but not with other cartridges.

Please shed some light on these issues. What are your thoughts and observations. Whatever I buy will be long terms and I do not have the option of listening to them :(
True, with hicap the superline is twice the uphorik, but not twice the sq. but if I remember the review correctly, didn't they use the supercap, which would make it 3 times the uphorik? Then I'd probably definitely go superline, knowing what a fancy naim ps can do.
But if the op is using a nait5i, I'm sure that's way above his range. Maybe? Source first, you know.

yes Chashas1, currently I am in the Source first mode. My CDP is a CD5X + Flatcap2x and TT is a Verdier. Somehow the Nait5i doesnt sound out of place at all in this company and powering the Tannoy Turnberry. But then I will not buy a Superline if it "requires" a Supercap to show its real colors. I dont intend to buy a $6k phonostage at all and if this is a trap then I will stay away. The most I can go is for a hicap2 but wherever I have heard glowing reviews of the Superline it has always been with Supercap, that is my concern.

I bought my Superline on here for around $1900 and paid $1600 for power supply and cable so price wasn't too far above a new Uphoric [ what a hell of a name]. The Uphoric would be a good deal used if you could find one.

Stanwal, please let us know your opinion of the Superline.
The loading is much easier and variable with the Uphorik as well.
Agreed, I never have liked Linn's naming system, or spellings.
Power supply came today but not the Burndy cable I thought I ordered with it; emailed but not heard yet. More when I know anything.
Hi Pani,
Love the 5i, it can drive a great number of speakers quite well. Are you using Naim cable?
Love your digital combo as well. Great together. And you know how Naim works with external power. The Naim DAC works the same. PS! If you please.
Don't buy a superline w/o ps of some kind.
What cartridge with the Verdier? Myabi? Hmm. No experience with either...I'm of no use then...;)
No No Chashas I am not at the Miyabi level as yet. Started off with a DL103Pro. Looking to get some ZYX.

Thanks for your good words regarding Naim. All cables are indeed Naim. Superline is still in consideration but if it requires a Supercap to perform then it is way outside my budget. If I spend $4k on a phonostage it should sound like at least a $4k phono and ideally should sound like a $8k phono...he he !!