True, with hicap the superline is twice the uphorik, but not twice the sq. but if I remember the review correctly, didn't they use the supercap, which would make it 3 times the uphorik? Then I'd probably definitely go superline, knowing what a fancy naim ps can do.
But if the op is using a nait5i, I'm sure that's way above his range. Maybe? Source first, you know.
yes Chashas1, currently I am in the Source first mode. My CDP is a CD5X + Flatcap2x and TT is a Verdier. Somehow the Nait5i doesnt sound out of place at all in this company and powering the Tannoy Turnberry. But then I will not buy a Superline if it "requires" a Supercap to show its real colors. I dont intend to buy a $6k phonostage at all and if this is a trap then I will stay away. The most I can go is for a hicap2 but wherever I have heard glowing reviews of the Superline it has always been with Supercap, that is my concern.
I bought my Superline on here for around $1900 and paid $1600 for power supply and cable so price wasn't too far above a new Uphoric [ what a hell of a name]. The Uphoric would be a good deal used if you could find one.
Stanwal, please let us know your opinion of the Superline.