Has anybody tried the Reed 3P?

I own the Reed 2A and have the 'Magnetic Reed' on lone which I can buy. But I am also curious about the 3P as a possible next one.

Whether he is a 1 man operation. Or not I think he is pretty efficiency. Bought mine 2P about 2 years ago and recently accidentally damaged thr arm lift & without hesitation he sent me 2 arm lift ( not 2 happy with the 1st replacement ) and he responded promptly without hesitation . 1st class service & very helpful to answer enquiries
I have one on order as well. I was told mine is in the second batch of orders so I was hoping someone had received theirs allready.

There is a review of the 3P in a German magazine. I was able to translate it with Google translate. Most of the review is spent explaining its features. There was no direct or indirect comparison to any other arm. Maybe about one paragraph talking about sonics. The conclusion was that the 3P is among the best available. Personally I prefer more in depth reviews of audio gear but what are you gonna do?

Sonofjim, I have an Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner and it makes spinning vinyl alot less hassel. It also cleans very well.

Sorry to those that have ordered the new 3P Reed. If I had not insisted on a couple of serious changes to the prototype you all would have had your arms by now. Credit to Vidmantas. He fought me for a while but went ahead and humored me. He had to rewrite the programs for the CNC machines. An involved process to say the least when you add in all the testing. I received the first five production arms last week. To sum it up, the wait was and will be worth it for future owners. Listening to one right now and I could not be happier.
Hi Steve, can I get a email address? I thought I sent you a note via reed's website but I guess it never made it. I live in Austin and heard Arnie's set up (very very nice analog front end!)

I am curious about ordering one of the 3p arms, but have a few questions with table and cabling needs off the arm...

Hi John,
No, I did not receive any forwarded email from you. Sorry. You can reach me
at xactaudio@gmail.com or 208-860-9559
Hope this is not against the rules...