Lyra or ZYX ?

I am on a look out for an upgrade to my Denon 103pro. Primary requirement is Drive, pace and timing along with natural flow. I know both Lyra and ZYX cartridges are known for good pace and timing but which of them sounds more natural ? I listen to both Patricia Barber and Beatles alike so I want a cartridge which has that natural flow to music not just emphasizing shortcomings.

The reason I chose ZYX and Lyra and not a warm Benz or Grado is because I am also looking for a detailed cartridge. Within my budget I can look at with ZYX R100 Yatra or Lyra Delos.

Please share your experiences.
Thank you guys. Thats a lot of useful information to chew upon. Could I ask what would be a good compliance number to be considered "high" ?
The SME 3012 is more or less made for super soft compliance carts (For example Shure Systems at its time). The bearing of that Arm can't handle cartridges which moves energy into it. The Armbearing starts to "vibrate) and the result will be a smearing in the details. No audible dynamic stops-and go...but mainly you hear that with classical Ballet music....The Phantom Arm is ultrarigd for a Unipivot and one of those, where you can close a chapter.
Syntax, I was looking at a 47 Labs RS-A1 arm. It is affordable and quite well appreciated. Do you have any opinions about it ?
Syntax, you say that the SME 3012 was made for super soft carts but it has a effective mass of 14 grams, will that accomodate a high compliance cartridge like the Shure or Empire (compliance above 25) ?
Hi Pani,
I have no experience with 47lab Arm. I always was on the way for serious solutions :-)
Well, one of my buddies owned such a 3012 Arm, he was total fanatic about it.
Until I loaned him a FR-64s. Then it was done for him, he sold his beloved 3012 immediately and got a good price (whatever this means), there is a big Fangroup for them.
My opinion? Don't waste your time with compromises...