Lyra or ZYX ?

I am on a look out for an upgrade to my Denon 103pro. Primary requirement is Drive, pace and timing along with natural flow. I know both Lyra and ZYX cartridges are known for good pace and timing but which of them sounds more natural ? I listen to both Patricia Barber and Beatles alike so I want a cartridge which has that natural flow to music not just emphasizing shortcomings.

The reason I chose ZYX and Lyra and not a warm Benz or Grado is because I am also looking for a detailed cartridge. Within my budget I can look at with ZYX R100 Yatra or Lyra Delos.

Please share your experiences.
Syntax, you say that the SME 3012 was made for super soft carts but it has a effective mass of 14 grams, will that accomodate a high compliance cartridge like the Shure or Empire (compliance above 25) ?
Hi Pani,
I have no experience with 47lab Arm. I always was on the way for serious solutions :-)
Well, one of my buddies owned such a 3012 Arm, he was total fanatic about it.
Until I loaned him a FR-64s. Then it was done for him, he sold his beloved 3012 immediately and got a good price (whatever this means), there is a big Fangroup for them.
My opinion? Don't waste your time with compromises...
Interesting reply :-). So you found the 47 labs tonearm too funny to try !

Anyway, Syntax, frankly I dont have the bandwidth to spend $5k on a tonearm. I suppose the kind of serious tonearms you are talking about are all $4k+, correct me if I am wrong. My maximum stretch budget will not exceed $2.5k, that too I am hoping I get a good price for my 3012. 47 labs is well within my budget and has got some nice user opinions. Then there are Jelcos but I am not sure if it is an upgrade over my existing arm. The point is, I do not know what to look for under $2.5k . FR64 is very well regarded I know, it could be an option. What else ?
Hi Pani,

Internet decisions can be very problematic. It is no guarantee for that kind of satisfaction one hopes for. Don't you have a chance to visit a dealer? I made a lot of dealer visits when I was interested in a product (The Internet offers enthusiastic/positive/recommended/both thumbs up comments for even the worst sounding products..).I offered them money to rent their room for a Demo and we always had a good relationship. It was a win/win situation for both.
Syntax, FR64 has an effective mass of 35g. Will it work with cartridge like ZYX and Lyra ?