Who listens only to vinyl?

WHY, and what turntable set-up are you choosing to live with?
(This is NOT a vinyl versus digital thread, it's a lifestyle thread!)

Recently, I'm heading in this direction, mostly I think because I have never invested enough attention and money to bring up digital listening into the pleasure zone. I also like messing around with record cleaning and arms and cartridges, and worrying whether my TT belt needs replacing. And the sound of course!

If you are one of these vinyl-only people, how did you get there, and how do you feel about living with restricted access to a lot of newer recordings, both classical and other genres? Is it an issue for you?

[Pro-ject 2 Xperience with Shure v15 type IV-JICO SAS stylus]
Post removed 
I listen to vinyl only in my home and have for over 10 years. Didnt have an issue with access to newer recordings since my preference is classic rock from 60s and 70s, and jazz and blues from 50s and 60s. There was more music produced then that I could ever listen to in a lifetime. I have been buying some new releases and reissues as they come up.
Not "only" but certainly about 90% of the time due to recordings I have that are not on CD, or that are nowhere as good on CD. Digital is convenient though and that reason accounts for the remaining 10%.
My CD, Meridian 200-Metrum Octave, is very good but my vinyl is better. Tables are modified Linn LP 12 with Rega 1000 arm and Basis 2001 with Graham 2.2. Cartridges AT 33EV and Denon 304. It is of course much easier to get new material on CD. Let me recommend SALT FOR SALT by Brown Bird on LP as a new recording.