Can I Degauss my vinyl ?

Some people use the Walker Talisman to demagnetize their records. Can I use a 110 V electric degausser used on televisions to do the same? the cost for one of these is $20 as compared to the Walker @ $250.00+
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Isn't that what a zerostat does? Although for 100 bucks it is arguably a little on the expensive side.
How is it that vinyl can become "magnetized"?. Static electricity can be a problem, but I fail to see how a record becomes magnetized. Sounds like voodoo to me!!
I must be missing something here. How can vinyl become magnetized? Statically charged I can understand, but magnetized? Degaussing is the process of reducing or eliminating a magnetic charge. Vinyl, being non-ferrous, should not be able to become magnetized so how would a degaussing device be doing anything? Do they also remove static charges?