Can I Degauss my vinyl ?

Some people use the Walker Talisman to demagnetize their records. Can I use a 110 V electric degausser used on televisions to do the same? the cost for one of these is $20 as compared to the Walker @ $250.00+
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So, I still do not know if anyone in vinyl land is trying the
degausser. There are no directions so am unsure about the best method to use this device. I do use the zerostat for static but as Elizabeth said that is a horse of a different color. I think you need to do both sides.
Blue Skies, there has been at least one good, informative thread on this issue. You may be able to find it by doing a search here. The sum and substance of it was that those who degauss mostly think they can hear a difference. Those who use very expensive degaussers are happy. Others who use cheap ones are also happy. There was one post with very good instructions on how to use an inexpensive handheld degausser to good effect. You have to be careful, because those devices can magnetize as well as demagnetize. They only demag when used correctly. At least one of the expensive ones dedicated to LP use is programmed to avoid the undesired result. That's why you pay the big bucks. (Cannot recall the brand name.)

As for me, although I am a determined and aggressive foe of static electricity, I prefer not to enter the weird wild world of "magnetic" LPs.
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