Automatic Turntables

Is there ANY 'table on the market with at least auto Return,.. let alone Fully Auto function which sounds "good"? I don't mean GOOD,.. but????

I was "Fully' part of the "High End" gang; was part owner of a, now defunct, company,. used all of the great stuff in the 80s and 90s. Since then, well, my system 'ain't "bad": Cambridge 550A; unmodified ony DVP-9000es and Monitor Audio RS-6s.

My Current table, purchased here, as a "Refurbished" Thorens 166 mk II, which ( you Know who He is!) and sold to me a with a Garbage cartridge: Autofon "Omega"! ( He kept That fact to himself!)

So, any advice will be greatly appreciated..
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All the Denon 'F' series are full auto, repeat included. Look for the 47F model, it is a winner. Very reliable. Currently own two, one as a back up. I have given a few of these to my children hoping to get them interested in vinyl, in a painless way. The 47, paired with a 160 cartridge, or Shure 97 offers a sensible way to enjoy vinyl. Little chance of a damaged stylus. I have an VPI Aries, with a 2K ClearAudio cartridge, SDS etc. and unless you point out the sonic difference to people, most can't tell which is better. Also, if you run across a Sony 800, tangential tracking, jump on it. I have one running with a Grace Ruby. It also is fully auto.
Very reliable. Currently own two, one as a back up.
For some reason this sounds contradictory to me. ;-)
( you Know who He is!) and sold to me a with a Garbage cartridge: Autofon "Omega"! ( He kept That fact to himself!)

I know who you are talking about. I'm dealing with him right now and i'm very dissapointed.