Ayre DPS Bauer vs Artemis Labs

Both turntables have a striking similarity and I really like both of them although I'm not a big fan of acrylic platter... Has anyone made a comparison between both these TTs? I have a Schroeder tonearm so would this compliment better with the Artemis?

05-12-12: Shsohis
Thanks for the comments. Just gotten a DPS 2 but not the Ayre PS.
Why not? The speed consistency and its attendant pace, rhythm, etc. are part of what impressed me so much about the DPS/Ayre setup.

Maybe you auditioned without and the Ayre unit didn't justify the price?
IME, a good AC power supply is a major upgrade for any AC synchronous motor-driven belt-drive. Save your shekels and eventually buy the Ayre PS, is my advice. You will appreciate it even more, having gotten accustomed to the sound of your tt without it.
I would like to get the Ayre PS but I don't think that my current DPS2 PS can be traded in for it - Different distributors...

BTW, after having the DPS, I now know how good the Nottingham Hyperspace is now. Yes, the DPS is better but you wouldn't notice the difference if you don't AB both.
Add a good motor controller to the Hyperspace, and you will also experience a major epiphany. I used a Walker Audio MC on mine and was quite surprised and amazed at what it does; I had been very skeptical prior to hearing the difference in my own system.