Think you know analog?

This guy knows analog as few will ever know. Take note, all self-proclaimed experts.

Actually wood glue as an LP cleaner is not a crazy idea. I've tried it and also Elmers school glue a few times. These glues are safe (being a vinyl based glues) and applied evenly using a piece of stiff cardboard as a spreader. I attached pieces of paper in a few places around the edge of the LP as a way to once the glue was dry pry up the glue and peel off. Doing this makes removing the dried glue easy. The glue once removed leaves no residue. It can peel of quite cool as you will then see the positives of the grooves in the glue.

Anyways this is not a solution for all cleaning as it takes TOO LONG for the glue to dry and its rather expensive as you'd go through a lot of glue to do many LP's. But to try it on a few won't hurt and you may be happy with the results.
Someone owes me 10 minutes of my life back after having watched that.
He is giving a seminar on turntable features and he doesnt even know what the features and settings are. He just makes crap up.
He must scratch part time while he is working on his Doctorate.
The sad part is there are at least 50 people in that room that are now dumber for having listened to him.
I realize the room is full of scratchers and not audiophiles but...c'mon man, really?

Les creative edge:

The wood glue thing is just nuts. First, how do you know it gets deep enough into the grooves? Then, you have to assume it comes out all in one section or you leave more debris in the groves than you started with.

I did consider using that "sticky" device you see on infomercials for record cleaning, but the worry of any residue beng left behind on my records has limited my desire to experiment.