Rega RP3 vs Sota Moonbeam II

I have an LFD NCSE integrated amp with Harbeth speakers. I am looking to get into vinyl. So Rega RP3 or Sota Moonbeam II with Ortofon black cartridge. Any help regarding these choices would be greatly appreciated.

Also if there are other recommendations I welcome your suggestions
"Joie de Vivre" = run fast. Buy a good old jap DD and you can get even more.
I love my rega / jasmine / audio technica setup (see system link for detials).
Maybe Schubert, you will be surprised at how much better the new line is. However, I know you are a big fan of Japanese DDs. I trust your judgement on bookshelf speakers and you have given me valuable information based on music taste. IMHO, Rega and Sota stand alone in entry level turntables up to $1,500.00 with Clearaudio and VPI in close second place. Again, just my opinion.