VPI Traveller

Has anybody heard anything about New VPi Traveller due out on June 1. It comes with Grado Gold for $1499.

Any recommendations for reasonably priced cartridge for this new table.

What cartridges work well with VPI tables

Thanks in advance for responses
B-stock Scout,or used Scout seems like you would get more TT for the money,IMHO
Thanks for the information Stanwal. What about the traveller with the Grado gold supplied from VPI for $1499.
Ortofon Black should work fine. Compliance is > 10 and the weight is > 7 grams, so you should be fine.
Heard the Traveller at The NY Audio Show. Sounded good. Forgot what Cart was on it, but it was not an expensive one. Someone's selling a nice used Scout on Audio Circle if you're interested.

My Dyna 20xl sounds real good on my Aries.
My point was that it is hard to comment on something you know nothing about. I have faith in Harry but I would at least like to see one before comparing it to existing models. IF it were me I would look first at something like a used Scoutmaster; I think I saw one recently in the $1700 range; that is a very good table that I have used myself and can recommend.