VPI Traveller

Has anybody heard anything about New VPi Traveller due out on June 1. It comes with Grado Gold for $1499.

Any recommendations for reasonably priced cartridge for this new table.

What cartridges work well with VPI tables

Thanks in advance for responses
You know the scout is a very good "entry" level for true high end tables. So if you can get one that cheap B stock which I have found means very minor issues (so far fingers crossed) like a scuff mark etc. I would choose that or as the VPI dealer says a used even higher end VPI. With those tables there has been a lot of experience with cartridges and everything else.
What cartridges work well with the Scout. I know a lot of people use Dynas I would like to keep first cartridge under $500.
Search the archives, lots of recos there. Dynavector seems to come up most often.
What cartridges work well with the Scout. I know a lot of people use Dynas I would like to keep first cartridge under $500.
We used the SoundSmith Carman at the New York Show. Retails at $450?... I think it might have gone up a bit. We have also used (and love) a Grado Gold and Dynavector.

Also, Testpilot, we originally didn't plan on releasing any new tables. Initially HW was very resistant on making a new table because of the very reason you mentioned. After Sheila passed away I wanted to do something in honor of her and to help her live on through VPI and the music. HW and I thought of, designed, and built the Traveler (with the help of our suppliers and machinists) in 4 months.

We are also in the process of moving/expanding VPI, I plan on us having a better handle on all of that by mid June.

Hope that helps :)