Newbie to analog

I just acquired 100 LPs from a friend who retired from music listening so I'm about to get my feet wet in the world of analog. Could someone shed some light on what entry level turntable and phono preamp (used or new) that would rival the sound quality of CDs played through a Sony SCD-XA5400ES? My system consists of Tekton Lore and Grant Fidelity A534 int amp with Shuguang treasure tubes.
Wait, how does one retire from music listening? You mean he went completely deaf or died?

But seriously, I agree with Chayro that the Music Hall is a great entry level turntable and comes plug-and-play. Other alternatives would be the lower-priced Pro-Jects or Regas.

Welcome to the world of analog.
See if you can find a hi-end dealer in your area who sells analog. If so, maybe you can take home some gear to listen to in your own system.

Depending on the equipment you borrow, you may not prefer it over your CD player. Give it some time. You may find that you can listen to analog longer and you get more into the music. See if you tap your feet more.
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Wow. If Elizabeth is suggesting that the new bride's Wife Acceptance Factor for a stereo was already at zero, I wish that guy all the best of luck.