Top 5 favorite MM cartridges currently available

What are your top 5 (or so) favorite MM carts that are readily available new. Cost is not a restriction but mentioning it, for the unitiated, would be nice. No used or out of production carts please. Thanks
Shure 97 has a terrfic warm sound, it is a great value. I've used it and compared it to $2K units. Try it. Let your ears decide. Makes a great backup cartridge.
I second the Linn Adikt. I took one of of a second Linn LP12 since I do not like to buy or sell used carts. I put it on a new Rega RP3 and it sounds every bit as good as both the LP 12's I had. One had the Ittock LVII the other an Ekos. I had used 2 DV 10x5's but they have no build quality, and bend way too easily. Junk. The Adikt is about 565.00 and the stylus can easily be changed for 265.00
Regards, Mechans: Your AM (Analog Master) 10 cart is well supported in the range of available styli. The AT7V, 150MLx, AT120e, 440MLa are all compatible and there are numerous current production replacements from various vendors such as Lpgear and JICO. Options include Shibata, line contact, hyperelliptical, micro line, fine ellipticals and conical. Retippers can offer alu, be, boron, crystal and even carbon fiber cantilevers with exotic styli such as the well thought of paratrace. Hand wound & bench tested, your laminated coil four pole Signet cart is a proven design.

The AT 155lc stylus, line contact on beryllium, is available and although relatively spendy for a replacement stylus you'll have to reach pretty deep into your pocket to find a cart that will (IMHO) exceed the AM10/155lc combo. There is little probability that, in the foreseeable future, suitable or even upgrade replacement styli for your nice Signet will be unavailable.

The Shure 97xe is a good choice, the JICO SAS stylus is a noticeable improvement. There are also some very positive impressions concerning the Orto. Black.

If you're in exploratory mode, you might think about either the AT7V (.2 x .7 nude elliptical, 1.8gm nom. VTF) or AT 440MLa (micro line), AND an AT140LC replacement stylus (nude line contact on tapered alu, 1.25gm nom. VTF). Styli will be interchangeable and you'll have three styli to sample on two carts. You'll do well to research the 440MLa before purchase, many find it has a rising hf character that needs taming with appropriate loading.

I run the AT7V/ATN140lc on my "office" rig Pio. Exclusive PL-70L 11. Through some beat up old Tannoy floor-standers and an even older Pio. SX-1050 receiver. In a very vintage way, it's a fun listen.

The Nagaoka MP500 replaces the MP50 and is currently in production. The MP500 is reputed to be a little better. I haven't heard it. The MP50 is a nice sounding cart.
I really don't have any first-hand experience, but the Garrott Brothers business is alive and well in Australia, and they make an interesting range of MM or MI cartridges that are also worth consideration. And I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that no one has mentioned Grado.