VDH Colibri XPP. Best Load impedance?


what is the best Load impedance for the VDH XPP (Platin?


I have the new one with 4 Layer.

I am not sure but I do not think that VDH is making such a mistake.

Anyhow with 200 Ohm it sound not very good more like a CD.


I agree with Geoch. I don’t think the internal resistance of the Colibri XPP can be any where near 500 Ohm. While the resistance of platinum maybe a little higher than copper, it can’t be that much higher.

I had, and still have, the 0.22mv version of the XPP, and come to think about it, I believe the 200ohm loading I was using was recommend by VDH, by the hand writing in the box.

How do you like the XPP comparing to your Colibri XGP? I have a XGP ref and enjoy it very much.

Hi THanks,

the XPP is a little bit cleaner then the Gold. For the most LPs the Gold is better. If you have only prefect LP then the XPP is better. The Resolution is higher, the speed is higher and color of the insruments is better, but it is only 5% I think.

You need a very highclass equipment to hear the difference.

The inductance of the cartridge is what speaks to the loading value. In this case the 500 ohm resistance value is also in question, but even if it were so, the inductance is what interacts with the phono cable capacitance to set up the tuned RF circuit I alluded to earlier.

In short, it appears that Jpetek's preamp section is indeed sensitive to RFI generated by the afore-mentioned RF tuned circuit. So the value he likes is likely going to work only for him as it is dependent on the capacitance of his interconnect cable.