I'm a bit embarrassed. It took me a while to connect the BBs in my brain to realize that simply making changes with my new tonearm's VTA adjustment dial(never had one of those before) was not enough. I needed to grab and physically move the entire arm downward in larger increments to scotch a hardness/sharpness/metallic sound I was experiencing. It's still possible though, after further listening, that I may or not prefer a bit of a warmer sounding cartridge.
Otherwise: Larry, I've got all tube electronics---EAR 88PB phono preamp and Air Tight ATM-3 monoblock amps---and have been very satisfied with them.
Dougdeacon: The "excessive crispness" I was objecting to was (as I've indicated) a lot more than just that. It was also an "artifact" of my inexcusable unconsciousness. With some of your other comments, however, I must respectfully disagree. Frankly, I'm rather surprised with your assertion that I need to sit in "acoustically better halls...or acoustically better seats". Come on now, even if you've never visited or sat in the Concertgebouw or Musikverein, I'm sure you've heard or read about their renowned, warm sonics. There are other venues here that fit into the same category, and they would not likely be characterized as "*very* crisp and clear". Would you tell those who have enjoyed performances in these places where instruments sound more rounded that they need to go to crisper, clearer halls to properly enjoy music or hear it more "correctly"? I did not find fault with those who preferred a reproduced sound with clean, tight contours, but said I have not routinely encountered this sort of sound in concert perfomances I have attended. In fairness and reasonableness, maybe both of us could use a little broadening of our experiences regarding attendance at musical venues with contrasting sound personalities. Meanwhile, here's to our continuing enjoyment of our personal preferences in sound at home.
Otherwise: Larry, I've got all tube electronics---EAR 88PB phono preamp and Air Tight ATM-3 monoblock amps---and have been very satisfied with them.
Dougdeacon: The "excessive crispness" I was objecting to was (as I've indicated) a lot more than just that. It was also an "artifact" of my inexcusable unconsciousness. With some of your other comments, however, I must respectfully disagree. Frankly, I'm rather surprised with your assertion that I need to sit in "acoustically better halls...or acoustically better seats". Come on now, even if you've never visited or sat in the Concertgebouw or Musikverein, I'm sure you've heard or read about their renowned, warm sonics. There are other venues here that fit into the same category, and they would not likely be characterized as "*very* crisp and clear". Would you tell those who have enjoyed performances in these places where instruments sound more rounded that they need to go to crisper, clearer halls to properly enjoy music or hear it more "correctly"? I did not find fault with those who preferred a reproduced sound with clean, tight contours, but said I have not routinely encountered this sort of sound in concert perfomances I have attended. In fairness and reasonableness, maybe both of us could use a little broadening of our experiences regarding attendance at musical venues with contrasting sound personalities. Meanwhile, here's to our continuing enjoyment of our personal preferences in sound at home.