Halcro, I'll apologise, my 1st post could have been better phrased.
Yes, I do believe you are wrong if you prefer the coffee table in. In my experience large coffee tables in front of the listening chair generally "cut off" bottom end flow and air, literally truncate the bottom portion of the sound stage. Glass coffee tables tend to bounce high frequencies around and I always remove them. These are perhaps the some of the reasons why I gravitate to LOMC's, whilst you prefer MM's.
Nandric, thanks for the feedback. I do have German ancestry via Austria ( one of my forbears was given gold by the Habsburgs to travel the world to return a favour, he settled in New Zealand ) we may have a similar taste in humour.
Yes, I do believe you are wrong if you prefer the coffee table in. In my experience large coffee tables in front of the listening chair generally "cut off" bottom end flow and air, literally truncate the bottom portion of the sound stage. Glass coffee tables tend to bounce high frequencies around and I always remove them. These are perhaps the some of the reasons why I gravitate to LOMC's, whilst you prefer MM's.
Nandric, thanks for the feedback. I do have German ancestry via Austria ( one of my forbears was given gold by the Habsburgs to travel the world to return a favour, he settled in New Zealand ) we may have a similar taste in humour.