Makeshift tonearm for under $800

I am currently using a SME 3012 S2 with my Verdier. While it is a recommended combination by JC Verdier himself, I find the combo a bit too "dark" for my tastes. Speaking to some of the other Verdier owners it was confirmed that SME-Verdier is a smooth performer but lacks excitement.

Individually I like both of them a lot, very musical equipments indeed, but I am looking for some more life and excitement in the music. So I have decided to sell the SME tonearm.

I want to some serious research before finalizing my next tonearm. In the mean time I need a makeshift arrangement, a relatively low cost tonearm. I may use it as my second tonearm or may sell it once I have decided my next tonearm upgrade.

Even though a makeshift I would still like to have a tonearm which is quick and lively with natural tones. Preferably a medium mass tonearm which can take most modern cartridges. Budget is about $800.
The options are:

1. Jelco SA-750D/E
2. Rega RB-700 (with upgraded Cardas tonearm cable)
3. Scheu Classic (unipivot)

I would request, please add some reasoning around your recommendation so that I can get some idea about each tonearms capabilities.
The only arm I am familiar with on your list is the Rega. I would not call it dark but I think the cartridge and phono stage will have more effect on this than an arm will. Were you setting SRA correctly with the SME?

What cartridge and phono stage are you using?

I am using a ZYX RS30 cart and RCM Sensor prelude phono. Both are very lively combination.
The Jelco is a very nice arm, and it mates very nicely with a Denon DL103R cartridge , you could do both new for about your budget target.

Good listening

Pani, You might want to use a 9" arm this time. They are known to be more lively than 12" arms. People seem to like the FR-64 but they usually go for around 1k.