Gingko or Symposium Ultra Platform??

Which of these 2 platforms work better under a turntable?I would like to hear from user's who have tried both if possible.
Definitely the Symposium Ultra Platform. I have the Ultra under my VPI Super Scoutmaster Reference rim-drive. I used to have a Gingko under my Super Scoutmaster before I upgraded to rimdrive and had to remove it. The Gingko had 2 separate platforms for the VPI- one for the table, and another for the motor. The platform under the turntable would move as it was supported by rubber balls, and cause the tonearm to wobble and shake when playing. Not a very well thought out product for this table. The Symposium Ultra improved performance and sound and eliminated shaking of the tonearm. This is a superior product IMO.
I second Hiendmuse, go for the Symposium. I have both and the Symposium works best under a turntable exactly for the reason stated in his post.

Thanks guys,
I have a Superscoutmaster as well with the gingko currently undrneath it.Hiendmuse-What size of ultra do you have. Would a 19x24 inch do for the ssc?
Moon guy, 19 x 24 is what I use. I also highly recommend using Symposium Acoustics round couplers below the SAMA motor- 1 in front between the rubber feet and one in rear between the rubber feet. This eliminates any wobble from the standard rubber feet and gives better performance. Tighter bass, presentation. I also use Edensound Bear Paws instead of the VPI mini HRX feet. The above combo has really elevated the performance of this table.
Hiendmuse, quick question on Symposium and Bear Paws. Do you have the Bear Paws directly on Symposium Ultra or do you use Edensound's little plate underneath Bear Paws?

I have both Gingko and Symposium Ultra platform but never tried Symposium with my VPI as Symposium does not recommend using rubber footer with it. I recently got Bear Paws so that might be interesting to try.

I also find Gingko works well with VPI but have no idea if Symposium works significantly better or not as I never tried it. I uses Symposium with my CD player only. I have a little wobble only when the platter starts spinning but only for a few second then everything is steady afterward. This is on my VPI Classic though.