Gingko or Symposium Ultra Platform??

Which of these 2 platforms work better under a turntable?I would like to hear from user's who have tried both if possible.
I just got reply from Peter who said that he would recommend roller block junior with g10 tungsten bearing over stacked coupler for my micro seiki.
I guess if your vpi has out board motor, it may have more problem with lateral movement but vpi classic or micro seiki, with on board motor, I don't expect problems with lateral movement except may be the first few seconds after turning the motor on
Hmmm... I just tried Rollerblock junior with Tungsten G10 ball. Quite interesting. In comparison to spikes, I lost a bit of the impact and slam on the bass but the sound is more evenly from top to bottom, smoother, richer in the midrange.
I may have lost a touch of sparkle on top as well. The spikes that I used are aluminum, locally made, look kind of like Avalon spike.

I am considering a 18X24 Ultra Platform for my Super Scoutmaster rim drive.

I have a question. What kind of footers are under the Ultra Platform? Does it just lay flat on your shelf?

The top shelf of my rack is smaller than 18X24. I am currently using a 18X24X3 maple cutting board with cones installed on the bottom.

Any info would be appreciated.


My Ultra and Super Scoutmaster Ref. rimdrive sits directly on top shelf of a Billy Bags rack.
I just replaced the standard Gingko blue balls with Herbies Audio Labs MedincinBalls in my Gingko platform underneath my Scoutmaster. The MedicinBalls are firmer. The result is a firmer platform. This has produced a noticeable improvement in clarity, detail and better focus in the soundstage. I had a temporary wobble that existed only when the tonearm came down on the record. This has been greatly reduced. I also placed Herbie's fat dots underneath the feet of the motor for greater absorption. I may compare my Gingko with the Ultra Platform sometime in the future but the $80 I just spent was money well spent.