VPI Classic Platter- Naked or better with a mat?

I was contemplating trying a Living Voice Mystic Mat or Millenium mat, as I've read very positive reviews about it for my Super Scoutmaster Ref. rimdrive. I called Music Direct and was told to leave the Classic platter as it is without using a mat, as it is a beautiful platter the way it is. The salesperson also said he did not hear it with a mat, but thought it was great without any mat. Very refreshing to not be told that it would make a positive difference and try to sell you. I appreciate that about Music Direct. Just wondering what others have tried and what your experiences are with different mats. Thanks.
I have a Classic 1 and MUCH prefer it without. The other advantage that you get without is no static with the stock rubber VPI mat.

Go naked!!!
I think a lot will depend upon the tonal balance of your system. I prefer using the Classic platter naked (esp. for the dynamics, low end and resolution) but if one had a system that might be a little lean or tipped up, a mat might be the answer. BTW, VPI did provide two mats with the plater, one being a thin paper and the other being rubberized. One doesn't really need to worry about SRA/VTA with the paper mat but will need to adjust those parameters with the rubber. You might look up my comments on the platter at PFO/Products of the Year for last year.
Thank you all for your responses.

Myles, I appreciate your information. I have enjoyed reading your reviews over the years.
Myles, If the best of 2 options depends on the rest of the system, then that suggests both options have strengths and weaknesses. Ergo both have weaknesses. This conclusion seems to me to suggest "complementary colorations" is how you assemble a system. The logical conclusion from your comments is that both options are suboptimal and an alternative should be sought.