Upgrade a Dynavector 20X2 H on a VPI table

I'm looking to upgrade my current Dyna 20X2 HO on a Scoutmaster with a Classic 3 arm, with a Audio Research PH7 phono stage feeding a Reference 5.

What I love about the 20X2 is the fantastic bass and big sound it produces. What I think is missing is a smoother upper midrange going into the high end and better resolution. I've recently tried a Lyra Delos and was really dissapointed...it had none of the excitement of the Dyna. Bass was substantially less developed, and it seemed more sensitive to surface noise. So then I stepped up to the Kleos, which at 0.5 MV output is the lowest output I think is acceptable to use with the PH7. The Kleos has a very smooth midrange and very low surface noise, but I still think the bass is just not as good as the Dyna. I'm beginning to think the Lyra house sound is just too polite and boring for my taste.

So what do you guys suggest? Maybe I just like Dynavectors, but stepping up the line they are all low output. Would the 20X2 VPI version with 1mv output be any different in sound? Is there anything out there that gives the big sound of the 20X2 and also give you better resolution and low surface noise? Would the Soundsmith VPI Zephyr do the trick?

Thanks for your opinions!
The xx2 is very low output, just under .3 mv (.28 I believe), so if the .5 is your cutoff, it would not be a contender. I have one in my system on a classic 1 and it is a superb cartridge with all the traits you are looking for when properly set up. Can you tell us more about your system and musical tastes?
Sure...I got back into vinyl about 10 years ago when I bought a Scout, which I ordered with a Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood (based on the Stereophile review) as part of a package. I had an ARC SP-16 at the time for my preamp, which has a MM phono stage. Never really satisfied with the sound of my vinyl rig, I ended upgrading to the Scoutmaster when VPI made that available. Some improvement, but still not really up to CDs to my ears.

Then I accidently snagged the stylus when setting up my turntable after moving house a year ago (yikes!) and ended up buying the Dyna 20X2 HO to replace the V. Wood. I upgraded my JMW9 tonearm to the Classic 3 about the same time. The Dyna with the Classic 3 were fantastic; I couldn't believe the step change in sound!! This set me off on further upgrades...since, I've added the Classic platter, TNT mini-feet, ring clamp and a SDS. Sold the SP-16 and bought a Ref 5 and PH7 on the 'Gon. All positive steps forward (esp. the Ref 5) which have my family and friends agog. My wife is truly the greatest for putting up with this hobby, thankfully she loves the sound, too!

So all these changes had me thinking again about the source...maybe my Dyna (which started it all), could be bettered as well. But after my experiences with the two Lyras, I'm not sure which direction to take.

Power amp is an ARC VT-100 MkIII, cables are Nordost, CD player is an Oppo BDP-95. As I'm also a woodworker, speakers are homebuilt, based on the Madisound Odin design by Joe D'Appolito, and supported by subwoofers of my own design.

In terms of music, I like Rock, Jazz, and Classical, so a pretty varied collection of music.

I thought about the XX-2, but am initially resistant to include a step-up transformer in the signal path.

Thanks for your help and interest!!
Well, how married are you to your phono stage? A lot of great options out there that can accommodate a LOMC as low output as the XX-2. I love the Dyna P75 in Phono Enhancer mode with the XX-2. An especially goo pairing due to the carts low impedance.
It sounds like you enjoy the Dynavector sound. How about trying a Te Kaitora Rua, which is the smoothest of the Dynavector's. If that's out of reach price-wise, try a DV Karat 17D3. Yes, both are lower output, but that is a relatively easy fix with a Step Up Transformer (SUT).
Maybe I am hung up on Dynavectors, so in the end I'll have to go to a step-up transformer and another set of cables. But I was wondering if anyone had another suggestion.

I just got the PH7 and am somewhat loath to change that one out already...it is a great phono stage - dead quiet, and changing the loading from your chair with the remote is a great idea.