Phono cables/philosphy ?

I have balanced phono cables of 1 meter (Nordost Baldur) I purposely went for the simpler design (fewer strands) because the more expensive ones in the line just seem to use more strands of the same stuff. Brands aside, do you think a simpler (less wire) cable makes more sense because of the low power of the signal? i have seen hair-like phono cables and fat ones and have wondered if driving so much metal makes sense (physically). Since I have xlr to xlr I never found any stock phono cables that would work and only considered regular interconnects. I guess I could special order some. Do most of you running xlr to xlr use regular interconnects? Thanks
I found a paper online awhile back that puts all this into easily understood terms. The good part is that it explains series inductance and skin effect in a way that anyone can follow. It is somewhat of a primer to understanding how wire works.

Here's the link. Bear in mind that it is a .pdf download, although a small one. download/ whitepapers/ Understanding%20Speaker%20Cables.pdf
Unfortunately, the link doesn't go directly to the download because the owner's site is somewhat screwy. You will need to go to the bottom of their download page to get it. I am not at all affiliated with that company, but I thought the white paper was interesting.

Sorry for making so many posts to get a simple point across.
Can you better explain the connections you have. When you say xlr to xlr can you be more clear? Do you mean that the wires that plug into the cart on one end terminate with an xlr on the other end? There are different ways to do this. On my TT, the tonearm cables terminate to a box and I just use regular interconnects from that point on. I'm just having a hard time visualizing how the connections in your system are set up.
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