Grado Master Reference 1

So I'm piecing together a new system and am brand-spanking new to the AgoN community and was wondering what people's thoughts were on carts. I'm running a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum with the KT 120 upgrade from the KT 88/ 90s, Vandersteen 2ce Sig II's, the venerable VPI Scout and Morrow IC's and bi-wires. I'm also, for the time being, using the built in phono stage on the Cronus and I've rolled the tube to a Gold Lion 12AU7 from the EH it came with. As far as MM carts go, I understand people either love or hate the Grado Master Ref 1. What do you guys think? And let me know if this is in the wrong thread category. Again, newbie alert.

Grado's are known to "hum" on Rega TT's. I have both, and the hum only occurs after the last cut when the cartridge is over the center of the table. There is absolutely no hum when the cartridge is over the record grooves. As I recall, there is hum on the older Rega's before they changed the motor.
Very good feedback guys. Thanks so much. I'm mostly asking because I've got a chance to buy one cheap, from a friend who has only used it a couple of times and just doesn't go with his system. I guess I'll just have him ship it to me to test it out for a bit. I totally agree It definitely is something one knows when they hear it. Guess I'll give it a try. Cheers!
If I could get one of those cheap I'd sure jump on it. If it doesn't work out and you want to continue exploring high output MM/MI carts, look into the Audio Technica AT150MLX. It's not voluptuous the way the Grados are, but it is very transparent, dynamic, excellent at low level detail esp. for a MM, with excellent clarity and transients. Because it extracts so much music from the grooves I also find it to be *very* musically involving. And the stylus is user-replaceable for around $225. It was The Absolute Sound's Cartridge of the Year for 2011.
I've read about the 150MLX and it does sound nice. I've used some AT carts in the past as I've been moving up in systems and have had some good experiences and some not-so-good, but most of the not-so-good were not-so-quality carts from years ago. Thanks for the info Johnnyb53.