VPI Traveler vs Pro-ject Xpression III?

Anyone heard these tables side by side in the same system with the same cartridge yet?

Thanks Crhiscox000. Did you notice better bass with the Traveler vs the RP1 / RP3? You are running a noticeably better cartridge on your Traveler than the Regas you heard.
Got a chance to hear the Traveler very briefly yesterday. It was at a local high end dealer that sells VPI, Audio Research, Linn, Wilson Audio, etc.

What I don't understand is that they had the Traveler (with a Dynavector 10x5) hooked up to a major high end Audio Research (their reference line, I think) driving some very expensive looking Wilson Audio speakers. I think they were using the Audio Research built in phono stage, and to tell you the truth, I think my Xpression III / Ortofon MC-3 turbo / Jasmine LP2 mkII / Audio Refinement / Tekton 6.5t monitor setup sounded much more involving, less dark and much more fun to listen and rock out with...

With that said, it was just one record (that is pretty much all they had, which I thought was pretty lame since they are a Linn dealer and did not have any Linn released LPs) and a very different system.

I hope to be able to bring some of my own LPs in very soon, or even better, borrow their VPI Traveler demo to take home and listen to in my system.

I guess I am pretty lucky that there are similar cartridges installed on the two tables I will be comparing (again, the Dyna 10x5 vs the Ortofon MC-3 turbo) but would people consider the VPI to be darker than Pro-ject and similar tables (Rega)?

Any comments, ideas, etc. would be appreciated here, especially if I am unable to bring the demo Traveler home.

Yeah, I'd try to get it home in your system (or get a Traveler from an online dealer with a return policy, such as Music Direct). So many factors other than the table could be creating that impression. Nothing beats a home audition.
Sigh, they are not going to let me take the Traveler home. At least they have a Linn system that they can hook the Traveler up to that with similar characteristics to my setup. I will be bringing in my LPs very soon.

Any other feedback?
Well, there are ways to get a Traveler into your home that will only set you back the cost of shipping if you don't like it.

I hate to lose your local dealer a sale, but if you are unconvinced or remain uncertain after hearing it in the Linn system, then you can give Music Direct or another online dealer with a good return policy a call.