VPI Traveler vs Pro-ject Xpression III?

Anyone heard these tables side by side in the same system with the same cartridge yet?

It's all about speed stability. Making up a ridiculous acronym for something as simple as speed stability had a lot of us looking for a deeper meaning than that which is there.

Then if speed stability is a determining factor to PRAT, please provide data demonstrating lack of such stability in VPI's products.

Yeah, I thought so.

Most, if not ALL, so-called "speed instability," comes NOT from the table, but from the off-center hole of the record!
@stevecham, does this mean that tweaking a VPI SDS to run a tad fast with a VPI turntable with not result in more noticeable PRAT? If so, yet another reason why I am glad I have a RP6 instead of a Traveler that replaced my Xpression III.
Stevecham, a wow and flutter meter and an accurate test disc will open your eyes.

ANd your last sentence about most or all instability coming from the off center hole is flat out wrong. Some does, yes. But is that a reason to throw out speed instability of a turntable? Speed stability improvements on a given turntable are heard on MOST records, not just perfect records.
A wow and flutter meter I do not have, so if you have the DATA please share with us. Just because you perceive that I need to "open my eyes," I ask where's the data to support this claim? Unsubstantiated opinions claiming to science don't fly here.

So again, where's the results showing the wow and flutter that will "open my eyes?"

Another emperor without clothes.